Frequently asked questions

  • What are your office hours?

    Our office hours are 9am-5:30pm, These are the hours that our owner works on Scheduling and Approving Booking Requests, Responds to Messages via our APP and Text Message, follows up with clients, Reads and Responds to Emails, etc.

    After 5:30pm, Our owner loves to enjoy time with her family, she looks over all current bookings each day after hours to be sure all bookings are going smoothly and is available to handle any emergency that may arise.

  • What kind of animals do you work with?

    We mainly work with Dogs and Cats!

    We are not opposed to working with Birds, Rabbits, Guinea pigs, Farm animals such as Chickens, Ducks, Goats, Horses, and Tank animals (no snakes).

    We are open to helping where and when it is needed if we have what your looking for available.

  • How do other people normally book with you?

    Our client’s book with us based on the date and time they are departing their home/ arriving back to their home and the number of hours their pets can be left for.

    Based on the pet’s needs, they will book overnight sleepovers or visits. Many of our clients mix and match the Short Visit and Long Visits at different times of the day.

  • how do overnights work?

    Overnights are booked based on our arrival time on the first day and departure time on the last day. Whatever time we start on the first day is the time we end on the last day, anything after that is considered an additional Short or Long Visit.

    We come to your home and stay with your pets, either on the couch or in a provided guest room. Our rule of thumb is to never leave them more than once a day for the number of hours they can comfortably be left for, unless we know the dogs will be totally fine and our clients tell us it’s okay not to hang out there all day. Every client is unique, so we cater to what is needed based on that!

    Our team members are allowed to come and go as needed while respecting the rules and information given. Many of the Dirty Paws Team Members have Weekly Regular Clients, Appointments, Kids to tend to, or may need to run errands.

  • how do your clients get updated?

    Once you have joined the Dirty Paws Family, you will get our Client Welcome Packet with all the info you may need to know about how to work with us and where to expect your updates. In this Packet, you will get instructions on how where to Download the APP we use that is connected to our software!

    You will get a Notification via the App and or Email when the visit has started, as well as a Report Card with info on how the visit went and photos when the visit has ended!

    For Overnight updates, we go off of the information on your profile, “How many updates a day would you like to receive?” It is mandatory for our team members to give an evening update every evening between 6-9pm. Based on what you request they will also update in the mornings and afternoons!

  • how does payment work?

    Through our App/Software, you will receive an invoice to pay. You can pay this via the APP, our online client portal, or email. We do not take cash, check, Venmo or PayPal for payment of services.

    All payment is via invoice only. If you would like to add tip, you may leave cash in an envelope with your team member’s name on it, or tip on your invoice!